Wildflowers + Pollinators = Blooming Marvellous!

One of the biggest issues for pollinators in the UK is the lack of flowering plants. At one time there were vast wildflower meadows all over the UK. But now a lot of these areas have been claimed for development.
By planting nectar and pollen rich flowers over the season we can give back to the pollinators and help reduce the fall in numbers. Pollinators perform a vitally important service to us, some plants can be pollinated by the wind but the vast majority require the service of pollinators, such as bees, butterflies and hoverflies, to transfer pollen within and amongst flowers. Without pollinators many plants would fail to produce seeds and fruit.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]This year I have decided to trial a mini wildflower meadow in my back garden. The area that I have is only small and has no grass so a mini meadow in a large timber planter is perfect for me and will hopefully attract pollinators, and look great too.
I have gone for a specific colour scheme of blues, pinks, and purples (all of which are pastel shades). I have chosen Cornflower, Harebell, Lesser Knapweed, Common Mallow, Musk Mallow, Perennial Flax and of course Forget Me Nots. I can’t wait to get them planted and watch them grow.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]