SUPREME Slow Grow Grass Seed (no ryegrass)

From £23.00 per pack

Greenland Seeds lawn garden low maintenance grass seed

Product Description

A slow growing mixture created that requires minimal upkeep and a less frequent mowing regime. This mixture has a great wear tolerance which will withstand any possible traffic damage, making it a superb choice for both urban and rural developments.

This wildflower pack contains Plants For Pollinators seed species. These species are indicated with '*'
Learn more on the RHS website here.

Key Species In This Mix

Creeping Red Fescue

Grows well in the shade, drought tolerant, dry temperature tolerant, deep rooting system, needs moist soil, but once established it is a very strong grass type.

Chewings Fescue

Grows well in the shade, drought tolerant, blends well with any grass, can be mown lower, capable of growing in low fertility areas, dry temperature tolerant.

Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

A long term persistent grass, rich green colour, fine leaved and frost tolerant.

Bent Grass

A non-aggressive Perennial grass with fine leaves, it forms a short even turf and tolerates close mowing (down to 5mm).

Slender Creeping Red Fescue

Shade tolerant creeping plant that creates a dense turf. Tolerates close mowing for a finer finish.

Pack Coverage

2kg pack: 60 m²

5kg pack: 150 m²


10kg pack: 300 m²


20kg pack: 600 m

Recommended Seed Sowing Rate

25-45 grams per m²

Fertiliser Application Rate
Grass Cutting Height

down to 12 - 20 mm

Seed Species Mix

40% Creeping Red Fescue | 35% Chewings Fescue | 12.5% Slender Red Fescue | 7.5% Brown Top Bent | 5% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

Mix Ratio
Wildflower Species Mix
Grass Species Mix
Pack Weight
Particularly Enjoyed By
Feed Mix
Feeding Methods

Speak To Our Team
Of Seed Experts

You can speak to a seed expert between 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Simply call, email, or send us an instant message via the chat icon to the right of your screen.

SUPREME Slow Grow Grass Seed (no ryegrass)

From £23.00 per pack

  • Slow growing
  • Minimum upkeep
  • Economical
Greenland Seeds lawn garden low maintenance grass seed
Products in this bundle

Needing larger quantities?

Order by 1pm and it will be delivered from

Wednesday 2nd April
Pack Coverage

2kg pack: 60 m²

5kg pack: 150 m²


10kg pack: 300 m²


20kg pack: 600 m

Seed Sowing Rate

25-45 grams per m²

Fertiliser Application Rate
Grass Cutting Height

down to 12 - 20 mm

This Mix Contains

40% Creeping Red Fescue | 35% Chewings Fescue | 12.5% Slender Red Fescue | 7.5% Brown Top Bent | 5% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

Mix Ratio
Wildflower Species Mix
Grass Species Mix
Pack Weight
Particularly Enjoyed By
Feed Mix
Feeding Methods

Speak To Our Team
Of Seed Experts

You can speak to a seed expert between 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Simply call, email, or send us an instant message via the chat icon to the right of your screen.

Ways We Supply Seed To You

Online Shop

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White Label

Buy our extensive range of seed products in 0.5kg – 60kg packs online with free delivery

Get heavily discounted prices when you buy 8 or more packs of any seed

Order by the pallet load at wholesale prices. Custom mixes of over 200 seed species

We mix seed to your specification and package it in your own branded packs ready for sale

Online Shop

Bulk Buy

Buy our extensive range of seed products in 0.5kg – 60kg packs online with free next day delivery

Get heavily discounted prices when you buy 8 or more packs of any seed


White Label

Order by the pallet load at wholesale prices. Custom mixes of over 200 seed species

We mix seed to your specification and package it in your own branded packs ready for sale

Online Shop

Bulk Buy

Buy our extensive range of seed products in 0.5kg – 60kg packs online with free next day delivery

Get heavily discounted prices when you buy 8 or more packs of any seed


White Label

Order by the pallet load at wholesale prices. Custom mixes of over 200 seed species

We mix seed to your specification and package it in your own branded packs ready for sale